Thursday 3 March 2011

Evaluation Q1

This is my prezi presentation for my first question for my media evaluation.

How does your media product represent particular social groups Q2

I have created a voice recording explaining why my magazine is the way it is, explaining things such as the colour scheme in relation to my target auidence.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? Q3

I have uploaded a document to scribid.

Question 3

Who would be the auidence for your media product? Q4

The main auidence for my media product is fans of indie music, fans of other indie magazines such as NME or Q will also be attracted to my magazine. It might also attract people who have a strong interest for music or just want to know whats going on in the indie scene.

How did I attract/address my target auidence Q5?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? Q6

Wordle: Untitled

I have learnt allot of things about technology when creating my product. I used desktop publishing to create a professional looking magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread. I created my contents page and double page spread using Quark express, I had never used this software before so I learnt how to create something by using that, I learnt how well structured a magazine actually is. Moreover, I also learnt that by using desktop publishing that anyone with the right software can produce a professional looking magazine.

I also learnt allot about my photography skills, I learnt how to take a picture using different angles to connote different implied meanings. I also learnt how to take creative pictures and fitting them into the contents of the magazine.

I also used adobe photo shop to create my front cover of my magazine, this helped to me to make sure everything was in line with each other and that all the little details are completed and that there is no mistakes. This gave the magazine a more professional look, as I used tools such as effects on the sell lines so they look more professional and fit into the genre of the magazine.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progession from it to the full production? Q7

Monday 24 January 2011

Screen Grabs for my double page spread

This is the very first screen grab of my double page spread, firstly, I added the picture of the band 'Dear Believer' and placed it in the middle of the pages, I did this because this is what some indie magazines do, so the reader knows that there is another page to the 'double page spread'. I have also added the title INTRO to my double page spread, I have added the title in the same font as the font on the front cover so the reader recognised the title and links the two together. I have also added some other text to make the magazine look more believable and professional.

In this next screen shot I have added all the interview, I have followed the guidelines as this will make my double page spread more professional looking and it will be simpler to read. I have also added a quote from the band, this will entice the reader to read my magazine as the quote anchors the reader as this makes the double page spread look exciting and interesting. I have also added a title 'Dear Believer' I have made this

In this screen grab I have completely changed my double page spread, firstly, I have changed the background to the picture of the band 'Dear Believer' I have done this because I believe and think that this makes it seem more effective and it makes the picture look more professional and it adds effect and impact to the double page spread. I have also changed the colour of the text from black to white. I have done this because black didn't stand out as much as white. The last change that I have made is that I have added all the band members names and the instrument that they play so the reader would know who is talking throughout the text.

In this screen grab I have changed the text back to black as I believed although white stood out more it matched the title. I have also changed the title to 'Are you a Believer?' I have done this because this makes the reader think more about the text and other magazines also use puns as their title as this entices the reader. I also changed the text under the picture to black as purple was a random colour and this didn't match the rest of my double page spread.

This is the screen shot of my double page spread with just a few adjustments. Firstly, I have changed the writing under the band. I have changed this to just their name, I have done this because I think this stands out more and it is easier to read, and it also mentions in the artical what instrument each band memeber plays. Also I have changed the first letter of the word of my interview I have changed it to a drop capital as I think this makes the double page spread more believable.

This is my first screen grab of the second page of my double page spread. I had to make another page as there was no room on the first page for text so I used another picture of the band. This page is still unfinished as their is gaps on the page.

In this screen grab of my second page in this screen grab I have changed the layout of the second page of the double page spread, First I have changed the quote from the band, I made it in line with the rest of my text so it fits in and all the text flows and it is also easy to read. The second thing that I have changed is the size of the picture, i have moved the text down so there is no gaps in my double page spread and so it looks full. The last thing that I have changed is the text, I have added some sentences just so the double page spread is full and so all the text is in line with each other, this makes the double page spread look equal and professional.
This is my finished double page spread, I have changed the title and the drop capital to blue as this links to my contents page and my front cover, I have also changed the names of the band to white also, as I believe that it stands out more and it flows with the rest of the text.

In this screen shot I have changed the font and the colour of the quote, I have done this because then it links with the rest of my magazine production.

Screen Grabs for my contents page

This is my first screen shot of my contents page, firstly I uploaded a picture and added information underneath, the font that I have used for this connotes indie, that is what i believe. Moreover, I have added the heading for the feature articles, I have also added  blue rectangle to go under the heading, I have done this so people can relate the blue from the front cover to the contents page. I also believe that the blue looks extremely eye catching.

The next screen shot shows that I have uploaded and placed all the pictures, moreover, I have also added all the infomation for the contents page. I have added another blue rectangle to the regular content as this looks more effective if they both have blue rectangles under them. I have also added all the numbers on the pictures as this will make the contents page look more attractive.
In this screen grab I have changed the layout of my contents page, I have done this because I didn't really like the other layout of my contents page, also I believe that the pictures were too big, and I believe that the picture of the radio and the CD's didnt really fit in with my magazine as the picture didnt really entice my target auidence.
In this screen grab my contents page has changed dramatically, I have changed the layout, the first thing that I have changed is the text, I have moved the text from the middle to the left hand side, I have done this because this looks more professional and it is easier to read. The second thing that I  have changed is that I have made the picture of the girl sitting on the rock playing the guitar bigger and the main picture as I think that this picture is the strongest picture
This is the final screen shot of my contents page in quark, since the last screen shot I have changed the 'Feature Articals' and the 'Regular Content' from black to white as I believe that it stood out more against the blue.

This is my contents page completed, I have nothing to edit on this screen shot as it is completed.