- It has to be unique font, it cant just be like comic sans, it has to be different from the rest, it has to stand out, this is a trademark for the magazine as no other magazine will have that particular font.
- There has to be a main image which has to dominate the page, which is usually the main feature article, the pictures are studio photographs. There is a direct address in the picture, the most common tecnique is conveying attitude.
- The main coverline is the largest text on the cover after the title, this anchors the meaning of the image.
- The other coverlines are usually one or two words with sublines explaining them.
- Usually the sub-lines are in smaller text giving more infomation about the article.
- This is consistant across the whole design.
- The first two lines are either in; colour, larger font size, or they have a different font size, this is because they need to be eyecatching to the reader.
- This is will also intrigue the reader.
- The coverlines frame the main image or are on one side of the cover.
- The reason why the barcode is not on the back is because there is adverts on the back off the magazine which companys pay alot of money to have them there, so magazine companies cannot afford not to have them there.
- The price is sometimes by the barcode.
- The date, issue number and price is usually 11pt in size and it is a mast head.
- This is usually above or below the title.
- This is how the magazine singles itself out from other magazines, making their magazine more apealing to the customer.
- This is were the magazine offers something a little extra for the customer, for example; in a music magazine they could offer a free poster of a popular artist to the customer, this will single out the magazine from all the other magazines and makes the customer buy that magazine.
- These words will entice the reader to buy that magazine, for example; exclusive interview, this will make the magazine sound like they are the only magazine with this interview.
- Most of the time there is a strip at the top or bottom of the page, this lists all the different artists names who have featured in the magazine so nobody goes unmissed
- Most of the time, there is only 3 colours used on a magazine so colours dont clash.